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Classification of Oleaceae and links to other genera
Ligustrum L.
Protologue: Sp. Pl. 1: 7 (1753)
Type species: Ligustrum vulgare L.
Synonyms (links to GRIN): Esquirolia, Faulia, Ligustridium, Parasyringa, Phlyarodoxa, Visiania
Distribution: Eurasia, Australia and N America
Number of species: 45
Description (from Flora of China): Shrubs or small trees, deciduous or evergreen. Leaves opposite, simple, short petiolate; leaf blade entire. Inflorescences terminal panicles of cymes, rarely lateral. Flowers bisexual, sessile or pedicellate. Calyx campanulate, truncate or 4-toothed, persistent. Corolla white, rotate, funnelform, or salverform, 4-lobed; lobes ca. as long as or shorter than corolla tube, valvate in bud. Stamens 2, inserted at mouth of corolla tube, included or exserted; anthers yellow or sometimes purple, oblong. Ovules 2 in each locule, pendulous. Style shorter than stamens; stigma 2-cleft. Fruit a berrylike drupe with membranous or papery endocarp, rarely drupaceous or loculicidal. Seeds 1-4; endosperm fleshy; radicle short, upward.
Links to species lists
- Bai, P. Y. 1979. Some new taxa of Oleaceae from Tibet, China. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 1(1): 151-156.
- Chang, M. C. & Miao, B. M. 1986. Studies on the genus Ligustrum (Oleaceae) of East Asia. Invest. Stud. Nat. Mus. Hist. Nat. Shanghaiense 6: 21-116.
- Goel, A. K. & Rao, M. K. V. & Mehrotra, B. N. 1985. Ligustrum glomeratum, new record (Oleaceae) for India from South Andamans. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 7(2): 484-486.
- Green, P. S. 1978. Ligustrum compactum var. velutinum. Bot. Mag. 182: 45-47, t. ns579.
- Green, P. S. 1985. Ligustrum robustum ssp. walkeri (Oleaceae). Kew Bull. 40: 130.
- Green, P. S. 1990. Ligustrum (Oleaceae) in southern India. Kew Bull. 45(4): 693-696.
- Green, P. S. 1995. Taxonomic notes relating to Ligustrum (Oleaceae). Kew Bull. 50(2): 379-386.
- Halse, R. R. 1997. Ligustrum vulgare L. (Oleaceae). Madrono 44(4): 397-398.
- Höfker, H. 1915. Übersicht über die Gattung Ligustrum. Mitt. Deutsch. Dendrol. Ges. 24: 51-66.
- Imkhanitskaya, N. N. 1998. The family Oleaceae in the Caucasus flora. 2. The genera Ligustrum and Osmanthus. Botanicheskii Zhurnal St Petersburg 83(10): 100-104.
- Kiew, R. 1978. Florae Malesianae praecursores LVII. The Oleaceae of Malesia. I. The genus Ligustrum. Blumea 24: 143-149.
- Koehne, E. 1904. Ligustrum Sect. Ibota In: Urban, I. & Graebner, P. (Hrsg.), Festschrift zur Feier des siebzigsten Geburtstages des Herrn Professor Dr. Paul Ascherson, pp. 182-208. Leipzig: Borntraeger.
- Koehne, E. 1904. Ligustrum Sect. Ibota Mitt. Deutsch. Dendrol. Ges. 13: 192-200.
- Lawrence, T. J. & Green, P. S. 1993. The anatomy of a dehiscent berry. Kew Bull. 48(1): 53-57.
- Lu, S. Y. & Yang, Y. P. 1988. The systematics of Ligustrum (Oleaceae) of Taiwan. Bulletin of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute New Series 3(2): 121-130.
- Mansfeld, R. 1924. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Gattung Ligustrum. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 59(132): 19-79.
- Milano, V. A. 1949. Las especies del género Ligustrum cultivadas en la Argentina. Revista de Investigaciones Agrícolas 3(4): 353-380.
- Montaldo, N. H. 1993. Avian dispersal and reproductive success of two species of Ligustrum (Oleaceae) in a subtropical forest relict in Argentina. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 66(1): 75-85.
- Nesom, G. 2009. Taxonomic overview of Ligustrum (Oleaceae) naturalized in North America north of Mexico. Phytologia 91(3): 467-482.
- Obeso, J. R. & Grubb, P. J. 1993. Fruit maturation in the shrub Ligustrum vulgare (Oleaceae): Lack of defoliation effects. Oikos 68(2): 309-316.
- Rohwer, J. G. 1996. The fruits of Ligustrum regelianum and Osmanthus heterophyllus (Oleaceae). Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 118(2): 177-186.
- Souèges, R. 1942. Embryogénie des Oléacées. Développement de lembryon chez le Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 215: 328-330.
- Srivastava, S. K. 1998. Ligustrum L. (Oleaceae) in India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 22(3): 617-626.
Maintained by Eva Wallander | Last updated: 2010-10-14