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Classification of Oleaceae and links to other genera
Protologue: in Lamarck, Encycl. Suppl. 1: 132 (1810) and Suppl. 2: 664 (1812), nom. cons.
Type species: F. cassinoides (Willdenow) Poiret (basionym: Borya cassinoides Willdenow) => F. segregata (Jacq.) Krug & Urban
Synonyms: Adelia, Bigelovia, Borya, Carpoxis, Geisarina, Nudilus, Piptolepis
Distribution: America (SE & SW USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador and the Caribbean)
Number of species: 15
Description (from Wilson & Wood, 1959): Deciduous or rarely evergreen shrubs; leaves opposite simple, entire or serrate, short-petioled. Plants dioecious or polygamo-dioecious. Inflorescences axillary on the branches of the preceeding year, the flowers clustered or in short racemes. Flowers apetalous, calyx minute, 4-parted or irregularly toothed, fugacious, or occasionally wanting. Staminate flowers mostly sessile, stamens 1-4, anthers oblong, 4-loculed, opening longitudinally, pistil wanting or rudimentary. Pistillate flowers on short, 1-3 flowered peduncles; abortative stamens 0-4; pistil with a slender style, the stigma simple or 2-lobed, the ovary with 2 pendulous ovules in each locule. Fruit a 1 (rarely 2)-seeded black or dark-blue drupe.
Links to species lists
- Anderson, L. C. 1985. Forestiera godfreyi (Oleaceae), a new species from Florida and South Carolina. Sida 11: 1-5.
- Brooks, C. J. 1977. A revision of the genus Forestiera (Oleaceae). Dissertation, University of Alabama.
- Cornejo, X. & Bonifaz, C. 2006. Forestiera ecuadorensis: Una nueva especie endémica de Oleaceae y un nuevo registro genérico para Ecuador. Brittonia 58(1): 78-82.
- Cornejo, X. & Wallander, E. 2007. Forestiera corollata: una nueva especie de Oleaceae mesoamericana. Ibugana 13(2): 13-16.
- de Juana, J. I. 2019. Notas sobre la taxonomía actual del género Forestiera (Oleaceae): las especies presentes en Espania. Bouteloua 28: 3-11.
- González, J. 2007. Oleaceae. In: Hammel, B. E., M. H. Grayum, C. Herrera, and N. Zamora, editors. Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, Vol. VI: Dicotiledóneas (Haloragaceae–Phytolaccaceae). Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard 111, p. 824–827.
- Gray, A. 1860. A revision of the genus Forestiera. Proc. Am. Soc. Art & Sci. 4: 363-366.
- Green, P. S. 1988. Proposal to conserve 6427 Forestiera Poiret (Oleaceae). Taxon 37: 977-978.
- Hammel, B. & Cornejo, X. 2009. Forestiera isabelae (Oleaceae), Una Especie Nueve para Costa Rica. Novon 19(1): 52-55. Abstract
- Johnston, M. C. 1957. Synopsis of the United States species of Forestiera (Oleaceae). The Southwestern Naturalist 2(4): 140-151.
- Morris, L. L. & Walck, J. L. & Hidayati, S. N. 2002. Growth and reproduction of the invasive Ligustrum sinense and native Forestiera ligustrina (Oleaceae): Implications for the invasion and persistence of a nonnative shrub. Int. J. Pl. Sci. 163 (6): 1001-1010.
- Nesom, G. 2009. Taxonomy of Forestiera pubescens and Forestiera neomexicana (Oleaceae). Lundellia 12:8-14
- Palacios-Wassenaar, O. M. & Castillo-Campos, G. 2021. Forestiera veracruzana (Oleaceae), a new species from the riparian forests of central Veracruz, Mexico. Phytotaxa 512(3): 190-196.
- Rzedowski, J. & Calderón de Rzedowski, G. 2004. Oleaceae. In: Flora del Bajío y de regiones adyacentes 124: 1-37.
- Shinners, L. H. 1956. Forestiera autumnalis Buckley (Oleaceae) in eastern Texas and western Louisiana. Southw. Nat. 1: 87, 88.
- Shinners, L. H. 1959. Typification of the genus Forestiera (Oleaceae). Rhodora 61: 293-294.
- Wilbur, R. L. 1981. The typification of the genus Forestiera (Oleaceae). Rhodora 83: 465-470.
- Wilson, K. A. 1958. Typification of the genus Forestiera (Oleaceae). Rhodora 60: 327-328.
Maintained by Eva Wallander | Last updated: 2022-04-03