Type species: Myxopyrum nervosum Blume
Synonyms: Chondrospermum, Myospyrum
Distribution: E. Asia
Number of species: 4
Description (from Flora of China): Shrubs scandent. Branchlets 4-angled. Leaves opposite, simple, petiolate; leaf blade entire or serrate, prominently 3-veined, glabrous. Inflorescences axillary panicles, many flowered. Flowers small, bisexual. Calyx 4-lobed. Corolla yellow or pink, urceolate with fleshy tube longer than lobes or campanulate with tube shorter than lobes; lobes 4, valvate in bud. Stamens 2, inserted at base of corolla tube; anthers dehiscing longitudinally. Ovules 2 in each locule, ascending. Stigma subsessile, minute, 2-cleft. Fruit a berry, subglobose. Seeds with fleshy or cuticular endosperm; radicle downward.
Maintained by Eva Wallander | Last updated: 2006-11-14