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Classification of Oleaceae and links to other genera
Phillyrea L.
Protologue: Sp. Pl. 1: 7 (1753)
Type species: Phillyrea latifolia L.
Synonyms: Phillyraea, Philyrea, Phyllirea
Distribution:Mediterranean region to W Asia
Number of species: 2
Description (from Flora Palaestina, vol. 3): Evergreen shrubs or trees. Leaves opposite, simple, coriaceous. Flowers hermaphrodite (but see Lepart & Dommee 1992), in short axillary panicles or spikes on the previous year's shoots. Calyx small, 4-dentate. Corolla small, subrotate, 4-lobed, whitish. Stamens 2; filaments short; anthers exserted. Style short; stigma 2-lobed. Fruit a bluish-black drupe with a brittle stone.
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- Aronne, G. and Wilcock, C.C. 1992. Breeding system of Phillyrea latifolia L. and Phillyrea angustifolia L: evidence for androdioecy. Giornale Botanico Italiano 126: 263.
- Campbell, C. 1922. Sulla riduzione dei costituenti il pistillo nella Phillyrea media L. Annali di Botanica 15: 285-288.
- Clos, D. 1906. Du genre Phillyrea, de la famille des Oléinées. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 53, 4 sér.: 357-368.
- Fliche, P. 1908. Note sur les Phillyrea. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 55: 253-261, 343-351.
- Gerber & Kieffer 1898. Androdioecie du Phillyrea angustifolia, et essais sur la filiation du Phillyrea dans la région méditerranéenne. Bull. Sci. Fr. & Belg. 55: 31: 236-244.
- Gravano, E. & Tani, C. & Bennici, A. & Gucci, R. 1998. The ultrastructure of glandular trichomes of Phillyrea latifolia L. (Oleaceae) leaves. Annals of Botany London 81(2): 327-335.
- Lepart, J. & Dommee, B. 1992. Is Phillyrea angustifolia L. (Oleaceae) an androdioecious species? Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 108(4): 375-387.
- Pannell, J. R. & Ojeda, F. 2000. Patterns of flowering and sex-ratio variation in the Mediterranean shrub Phillyrea angustifolia (Oleaceae): implications for the maintenance of males with hermaphrodites. Ecology Letters 3: 495-502.
- Pollak, G., Shwartz-Zahor, R. and Perevolotsky, A. 2001. The timing and the intensity of the phenological events in Phillyrea latifolia under mediterranean climatic conditions and disturbance regimes. Ecology and Environment 6: 156-169.
- Regel, C. 1949. Etudes biométriques sur le genre Phillyrea. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. Mémoires: 20-38.
- Saumitou-Laprade, P. & Vassiliadis, C. & Epplen, J. T. & Hardt, C. 2000. Isolation of microsatellite loci for paternity testing in Phillyrea angustifolia L. (Oleaceae). Molecular Ecology 9(1): 112-114.
- Saumitou-Laprade, P. Vernet, P. & Vassiliadis, C. & Hoareau, Y. & de Magny, G. & Dommée, B. Lepart, J. 2010. A self-incompatibility system explains high male frequencies in an androdioecious plant. Science 327: 1648-1650.
- Sébastian, C. 1956. Étude du genre Phillyrea Tournefort. Trav. Inst. Sci. Chérifien, série Bot. 6: 1-102.
- Sennen, F. 1935. Le genre Phillyrea. Bull. Soc. Dendr. Fr. no. 95: 45-65.
- Traveset, A. 1994. Reproductive biology of Phillyrea angustifolia L. (Oleaceae) and effect of galling-insects on its reproductive output. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 114(2): 153-166.
- Vassiliadis, C. 1999. Evolution et maintien de landrodioécie: Etude théorique et approaches expérimentales chez Phillyrea angustifolia L. Dissertation, Université des Sciences at Technologies de Lille.
- Vassiliadis, C. & Lepart, J. & Saumitou-Laprade, P. & Vernet, P. 2000. Self-incompatibility and male fertilization success in Phillyrea angustifolia (Oleaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 161(3): 393-402.
- Vassiliadis, C. & Saumitou-Laprade, P. & Lepart, J. & Viard, F. 2002. High male reproductive success of hermaphrodites in the androdioecious Phillyrea angustifolia. Evolution 56(7): 1362–1373.
- Vassiliadis, C. & Valero, M. & Saumitou-Laprade, P. & Godelle, B. 2000. A model for the evolution of high frequencies of males in an androdioecious plant based on a cross-compatibility advantage of males. Heredity 85: 413-422.
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