Japanese ash - Fraxinus longicuspis Sieb. & Zucc.

The Japanese ash is endemic to Japan and related to F. chinensis (incl. F. japonica). The flowers have no petals and are wind-pollinated. The breeding system is androdioecy (like the insect-pollinated F. ornus, see Wallander 2001).

Info about F. longicuspis from a Japanese site.

Photos © by Eva Wallander.

To see a larger picture click on the small ones!
Fraxinus longicuspis male inflorescences 46.8KB
Male inflorescences at the beginning of anthesis, Chichibu mountains, Japan, 7 May 1999.
Fraxinus longicuspis male inflorescences 60,8KB
Male inflorescences at the end of anthesis, Chichibu mountains, Japan, 10 May 1999.
Fraxinus longicuspis hermaphrodite inflorescences 67.0KB
Hermaphrodite inflorescences at the end of anthesis, Chichibu mountains, Japan, 7 May 1999.

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Maintained by Eva Wallander | Last updated: 2006-12-04